“Perhaps one did not want to be loved so much as to be understood.”
Under the spreading Chestnut Tree
U sold me & I sold U
There lie they & here lie we
Under the spreading Chestnut Tree
these lines at the climax OMG!!!
More horrific than a horror. It's a Masterpiece by genius George Orwell. The thought of this book provoked from the regimes of Socialist & Communist parties of World War II. The initial part was kinda boring but at the middle & then the end was great, The best part of the book was I think the tortures by O'Brien & the book of Goldstein & awesome twists. The Power Hunger & The absolute corruption by manipulations.
It was the worst conditions in a dystopia i've ever read.The world was reconstructed on the basis of Fear & Hatred.How the things turned out in the book like Freedom is Slavery, War is Peace & Ignorance is Strength...The concept of Doublethink was the most important part of the book & how the brainwashing they did to the entire population throwing them in the pits of illusions and even burning up their conscience.
This book was also on the Existentialism & the Illusion of Destiny laying many psychological implications. It's quite thought provoking. This was based on the fact that the ever struggling Highs now decides to retain their positions permanently by suppressing everyone else.
I totally agree with the critics that 'THIS WAS MEANT TO BE A WARNING & NOT A GUIDE'. This is the most awesome thing I've read this year!
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